误译:In contemporary society, job hoping is a very common thing。
正译:In contemporary society, job hopping is a very common thing。
解释:“跳槽”应译为 job hopping。本文job hoping的hoping是个拼写错误。hop 的意思是“蹦蹦跳跳”,是个闭音节单词,后加 -ing时要双写末尾字母p,成为 hopping。而hope的意思是“希望”,是个开音节单词,后加 -ing时要去掉末尾字母e,成为 hoping。
“跳槽”的第一个意思是“牲口离开原来所在的槽头到别的槽头争食”。英语可以译为 to go to another trough for fodder。例如:
1. 这匹马经常跳槽争食。The horse often goes to a neighbouring trough for fodder。
“跳槽”的第二个意思是比喻“人离开原来的职业或单位,改变职业或到别的单位”。在当代社会,换工作、换单位和换职业是司空见惯之事,英语表达方法极为丰富,可以译为to abandon one's job for another, to drop one's job for a new one,to make a job move, to job-jump, to job-hop, to change one's job, to change one's career, to career-hop。例如:
2. 为了多挣一点钱,他打算跳槽。In order to earn more money, he intended to make a job move。
“跳槽者”,英语可以译为 job-hopper, career-changer。例如:
3. 人们会质疑经常跳槽者的诚信和忠诚。People may question regular job-hoppers' integrity and loyalty。
“跳槽”的第三个意思是指“在爱情上喜新厌旧,见异而迁”。英语可以译为 to find a new partner。例如:
4. 这对小两口结婚后一吵架,不是男的说想散伙,就是女的说想跳槽。Whenever the young couple quarreled with each other after their marriage, the husband would say he wanted to get divorced while the wife would say she wanted to find a new partner.
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